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Thursdays, 4pm - 5:30pm

March 24th - June 23rd

14 weeks


- Bilingual French and English
- Ages 6-12
- Registration fee includes pick-up, a healthy snack and optional assistance with French homework or assignments

- Pick-up available from Duke of Connaught, Roden and Equinox

- Payment can be made on a monthly basis

Master's Class

  • Our Master’s Class draws inspiration each week from a well-known artist, allowing students to experiment with a variety of art forms (including painting, drawing, and sculpture) all while broadening their understanding of the styles and techniques used by professional artists.

    Notre classe de maître s'inspire chaque semaine d'un artiste bien connu, permettant aux étudiants d'expérimenter avec une variété de formes d'art (y compris la peinture, le dessin et la sculpture) tout en élargissant leur compréhension des styles et des techniques utilisés par les artistes professionnels.

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