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- August 19-23, 9am - 4pm
- Ages 5-7 (4 year olds welcome if they are turning 5 within the calendar year!)
- Snacks and lunch not provided

- Extended care available till 5:30pm for an additonal $15 a day


Please note that our summer camp for this age group will be primarily based out of our regular studio space at 1297 Gerrard St East.

Comics & Cartooning - August 19-23

  • Our Cartooning and Comics camp will be an exercise in imagination as participants create their own characters, narrative and settings. Campers will learn how to draw people and animals in a cartoon style, and create a comic or storybook to showcase their newfound skills. Mornings will be spent engaging in a variety art projects in our studio space, while the afternoons will be spent at local parks, splash pads, and wading pools. Full breakdown of camp activities will be made available closer to the camp date.


    Notre camp de dessin animé sera un exercice d'imagination! Cette semaine mettra l'accent sur les bases du dessin des personnes et des animaux, et et les campeurs auront la chance de créer une bande dessinée pour mettre en valeur leurs nouvelles compétences artistiques. Nous passerons la matinée à travailler sur divers projets d'art, tandis que les après-midi seront consacrés à prendre part à des sorties amusantes et éducatives.

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